High-Level Launch Event of the Roadmap for the Closure of Dumpsites in Latin America and the Caribbean

By 29/06/2021News

The High-Level Launch Event of the Roadmap for the Closure of Dumpsites in Latin America and the Caribbean, within the framework of the Voluntary Coalition of governments and relevant organizations for the progressive closure of dumpsites in Latin America and the Caribbean, which took place on June 25.

The Voluntary Coalition for the Progressive Closure of Dumpsites was established in October 2018 from the XXI Meeting of the Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean and its essential purpose is to support the implementation of the Roadmap for the Progressive Closure of Dumpsiteswhose objective is to establish the requirements and steps needed to eliminate dumpsites in the region by 2030 and, thus, remedy the impacts on health and the environment caused by the improper disposal of solid waste.

Launching RoadMap

Roadmap document here.

Link to access the recording of the session in Spanish: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tfm8fo70ocgqkw9/zoom_0.mp4?dl=0

Brochure: Brochure Coalition dumpsites_EN