Chemicals and waste in the 2030 Agenda – Pilot project in Costa Rica

The national implementation of the project entitled “Chemicals and waste in the 2030 Agenda: capacity building for monitoring and review of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in developing countries”, in particular the components related to in-country work and pilot testing evaluation of SDG methodologies in Costa Rica has the BCCC-SCRC as executing agency.

This project contributes to the achievement of Subprogram 7 of the United Nations Environment Programme of Work 2018-2019: “Environment under review”, Expected accomplishment (c): “The capacity of countries to generate, access, analyze, use and communicate environmental information and knowledge is enhanced”, Output 732: The capacities of regional forums, national institutions, major groups and other stakeholders are enhanced to better use environmental information, knowledge and assessment results in regional and national policy and planning processes. This also falls under the United Nations Environment Programme Project 732.1 “Strengthening data and indicator frameworks for monitoring and reporting on the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda and SDGs”, Output 3, “Provide tools and training for capacity development of developing countries to measure, monitor and report on the environmental dimension of the Sustainable Development Goals “, and to the Comprehensive Development Account Programme of the United Nations Secretariat System on Statistics and Data.

Expected results

  • Strengthen the capacity of the Directorate for the Protection of the Human Environment of the Costa Rican Ministry of Health (DPAH-MSCR) and stakeholders involved in the collection of waste and chemical statistics, as well as in reporting to relevant Multilateral Environmental Agreements.
  • Achieve a basic understanding of the status of waste and chemical statistics in Costa Rica.
  • Improve regulations for chemicals and waste management through better access to data and information.

Results / Activities performed

  • All activities are being developed according to the implementation plan.
  • The first national workshop was held November 19-22, 2018 at the Park Inn San José hotel in San José, Costa Rica. It was attended by participants representing government, NGOs and the private sector. VIEW REPORT
  • BCCC-SCRC Uruguay has worked together with DPAH-MSCR in the development of the terms of reference for the hiring of a consultant for compliance with the November 2018 national and waste and chemical data report.