The webinar No. 7 "Rethinking governance of coastal and marine resources in Latin America and…
CCCB CCRE25/11/2021
The OECD Webinar on “How to access exposure to nanomaterials? The evaluation result of existing…
CCCB CCRE18/11/2021
This report seeks to provide recommendations, exchange experiences from the different stages of the life-cycle…
CCCB CCRE28/10/2021
The next event of the series Webinar N° 6: "Addressing Marine Litter in the Caribbean:…
CCCB CCRE18/10/2021
Many of the chemicals used to produce plastic products are known to be toxic, some…
CCCB CCRE22/09/2021
The High-Level Launch Event of the Roadmap for the Closure of Dumpsites in Latin America and the Caribbean,…
CCCB CCRE29/06/2021
In response to compliance with international conventions and agreements and the objectives of the 2030…
CCCB CCRE04/05/2021
The Constitutive Meeting of the Coalition for the progressive closure of dumpsites in Latin America…
CCCB CCRE29/12/2020