The so-called “synergy process” aims to strengthen the implementation of the three conventions at the national, regional and global levels by providing coherent policy guidance, improving efficiency in the provision of support to the Parties to the conventions, thereby reducing their administrative burden and maximizing the effective and efficient use of resources at all levels, while maintaining the legal autonomy of these three multilateral environmental agreements. This unique approach sets a good example for other parts of the global environmental agenda and demonstrates how to improve international environmental governance through coordination and cooperation.
In addition to initiating reforms to the secretariats of the three conventions at the administrative and operational levels, this process is changing the way in which implementation of the conventions is carried out at the national and regional levels. Parties to the conventions and entities that support countries in the implementation of the conventions, such as regional centers, intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations, are also making efforts to increase consistency in the implementation of the conventions.