High-quality POPs data form the basis for any downstream assessment. The analytical results reported by any laboratory need to be reliable, meet international standards and have to be presented in a harmonized manner to make them acceptable for clients at international level. For laboratories, successful participation at relevant inter-laboratory comparison studies is key to prove their performance and build trust in their data.
The results on the performance of each laboratory are reflected in the POPs Laboratory Databank.The importance of interlaboratory assessments has also been underlined in the guidance for the Global Monitoring Plan under the Stockholm Convention.
Since 2010, UNEP Chemicals and Waste Branch is coordinating ’rounds’ of interlaboratory assessments in partnership with the Man-Technology- Environment (MTM) Centre, Örebro University (Sweden) and the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), VU University (the Netherlands).
So far, three rounds of interlaboratory assessments have been completed with funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the European Union (through ENRTP). UNEP Chemicals and Health Branch plans to have these rounds on a regular basis, i.e., every two years. Note that participation is without cost for laboratories located in developing countries.