The Secretariat of the Basel Convention has notified the entry into force of amendments to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal.
The Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal has adopted amendments to Annexes II, VIII and IX of the Convention, commonly referred to as the Electronic Waste Amendments.
The amendments made the following changes to the annexes:
- Annex II (Wastes requiring special consideration: subject to the PIC procedure): addition of a new entry Y49 which covers all electronic scrap, its components and wastes from the treatment of electronic scrap, excluding e-waste covered by entry A1181 (in Annex VIII);
- Annex VIII (Presumed hazardous waste: subject to the PIC procedure): addition of a new entry A1181, and deletion of entry A1180;
- Annex IX (Presumed non-hazardous waste: not subject to the PIC procedure): deletion of existing entries B1110 and B4030.
The above-mentioned communication is available at: UNEP-CHW-COP15FU-COMM-eWasteAmendmentEntryintoforce-20250121.English