The Basel Convention Coordinating Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean (BCCC) hosted by Uruguay, operates since 1998 in the facilities of the Technological Laboratory of Uruguay (LATU), through an agreement with the Ministry of Housing, Land Management and Environment ( MVOTMA). Coordinates the activities of the Latin America and Caribbean region with other Regional Centers of the Basel Convention: South American Regional Center of the Basel Convention -Argentina-, Regional Center of the Basel Convention for Central America and Mexico -Panama- and Regional Center of the Basel Convention. Basel for the Caribbean – Trinidad and Tobago-.
The BCCC was endorsed by the 4th COP of the Stockholm Convention as the Regional Centre of the Stockholm Convention for Capacity Building and Technology Transfer for the countries of the GRULAC region. Together with the Regional Centers of CETESB –Brazil–, CENICA –Mexico– and CIIMET –Panama– they carry out information exchange, cooperation and mutual coordination activities. This dual nature of the Center contributes to materialize the synergies between the Agreements of the Chemical Block and other forums, an aspect present in the formulation and execution of its plans, projects and activities.
The Coordinating Center, together with the Regional Centers, are reference institutions, leading the countries of the GRULAC region in a process of regional cooperation and coordination that allows for the creation and strengthening of capacities and expertise for the implementation of the Basel and Stockholm Conventions.
Strengthening of national and regional capacities in GRULAC countries for the application of the Basel, Stockholm and Rotterdam Conventions and other forums, through the training of key actors in the integrated and environmentally sound management of hazardous substances and wastes, in the preparation and dissemination of specialized information and in the execution of projects in coordination with the Regional Centers or complementary to them, within a framework of sustainable development.
Our team

Q.F. Gabriela Medina

Eng. Q. Alejandra Torre

Q. Virginia Santana

Natalia Maciel